Positive Gains was founded by me in 2009. My practice is based in St. Albans at both: Parkbury House Surgery and B. Healthy. Virtual sessions became the norm during the first stage of the Covdi-19 pandemic. This has proven very successful therefore I will continue to offer virtual session to clients who prefer to work this way. As an integrative psychotherapist/ counsellor I am able to use a wide variety of therapeutic tools and techniques in a flexible and adaptable manner to help each client in the best possible way.
My psychotherapy and counselling qualifications are accredited by the Royal College of Nursing and I am accredited by both the National Counselling Society and the National Hypnotherapy Society
Furthermore my work has been validated by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and I am a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register
Additionally I am a member of the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners and am registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council
I work within the ethical, confidential and professional boundaries as set out by my governing bodies and needless to say adhere strictly to GDPR and the data protection act.
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