NCPS | Organisations

Thank you for your Interest in Partnering with the NCPS

The NCPS recognises the importance of supporting and collaborating with a variety of organisations in the key role they have to play in the development of our profession, and the mental health conversation more widely.

We are delighted to work with many Organisational Members from diverse backgrounds, all bringing with them invaluable expertise and experience from different areas of mental health and wellbeing.

The creation of mutually beneficial relationships in this way enables a strong collective voice to be heard. It improves, broadens and deepens understanding and knowledge for all involved, as well as the wider community.

The NCPS believes in diversity, creativity, autonomy, and connection. As a member-led organisation, we value community and connections to shape the future of good mental health and wellbeing. We are committed to campaigning for mental health equality: advocating for better access to appropriate, timely, and high-quality services for everyone, no matter their circumstances.

The NCPS encourages all organisations to ensure fair working conditions for everyone, including students, volunteers, and paid staff. Fair work means everyone has a say, opportunities, security, respect, and balances the rights and responsibilities of both employers and workers.

We invite you to read more about the categories of Organisational Membership available, and how to apply below.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Categories of Organisational Membership

  • Organisational Member (OM)

    We welcome organisations comprising two people or more, which do not provide counselling services, but do share our values and ethos and work within the wider field of wellbeing and mental health.

    Being an Organisational Member does not confer a mark of accreditation or approval by the Society. Instead, it functions more as a partnership of reciprocal support and encouragement.
    The benefits of organisational membership are mutual support, sharing of communications where relevant, and the ability to work together on projects and keep each other informed.
    *Please note, if your Organisation offers counselling/psychotherapy services, please read the information below on how to apply to be a Recognised Counselling Service.

    Benefits of Organisational Membership

    • Free listing on the NCPS OM/RCS directory
    • We recognise the value that non-therapeutic organisations bring to the mental health and wellbeing
    • The opportunity for collaboration and networking
    • Access to counselling referral schemes for staff/beneficiaries through NCPS Therapy Hub
    • Opportunities to share your message through our magazine, conferences and podcast
    • Belong to a body which gives you a direct voice in policy - make your voice heard
    • A dedicated friendly and knowledgeable team offering ongoing support
    • Direct access to our thousands of members
    • Straightforward, simple, supported application process
    • Timely assessment for membership
    • Use of the 'NCPS Organisational Member' logo on your website
    • Discounted rates to advertise in our member exclusive e-magazine

    How to Apply (OM)
    *for non-counselling/psychotherapy services only*
    To apply, please fill out the following form:

    • Click here to join us
    • Annual membership for charities, voluntary or not-for-profit organisations is £100
    • Annual membership for commercial/profit-making organisations is £200
  • Recognised Counselling Service (RCS)

    Recognised Counselling Service (RCS)

    A Recognised Counselling Service (RCS) is an organisation of two people or more, which provides direct counselling / psychotherapy services, and has at least one registrant on the Society's Accredited Register. Gaining this status is a mark of quality and recognition offered by the Society.
    The Society undertakes a rigorous checking process before recognising a service. This includes (but is not limited to) providing evidence of:

    • Public liability insurance
    • All practitioners on a PSA Accredited Register
    • A robust complaints process
    • EDI policy
    • GDPR policy
    • Safeguarding policy
    • Student placement policy (if applicable)

    Recognised Counselling Services also agree that the service could be subject to audit.
    The benefits of being an RCS include the public assurance provided, that the service has been vetted and approved by the Society, as well as the support the Society may offer the service.
    NCPS Recognised Counselling Services agree to abide by the Society's Code of Ethics which demonstrates to peers and the public that, as an organisation, they are committed to safe and ethical practice.
    If you are interested in joining our other partners and working with the Society to support your organisation, we look forward to hearing from you.
    Benefits of Recognised Counselling Service

    • Free listing on the NCPS RCS directory
    • Supports recognition by employers and funding bodies
    • We support counselling as a unique vocation - our members feel listened to, valued and supported
    • The opportunity for collaboration and networking
    • Opportunities to share your message through our magazine, conferences and podcast
    • Belong to a body which gives you a direct voice in policy - make your voice heard
    • A dedicated friendly and knowledgeable team offering ongoing support
    • Direct access to our thousands of members
    • Straightforward, simple, supported application process
    • Timely assessment for membership
    • Use of the 'NCPS Recognised Counselling Service' logo on your website
    • Discounted rates to advertise in our member exclusive e-magazine

    How to Apply (RCS)
    *for counselling/psychotherapy services only*
    To apply, please fill out the following form:

    • Click here to join us
    • Annual membership for organisations with up to 10 employees is £200
    • Annual membership for organisations with 10 or more employees is £300
  • Trusted Resource (TR)

    Organisational members who run, for example, a library of counselling or psychotherapy related resources for counsellors can get in touch with us to find out about our Trusted Resource recognition. Trusted Resource recognition cannot be applied to training courses, regular training events or any activities that would otherwise require training provider recognition. It can be applied to things like short one-off lectures, journal articles/reference libraries, guest speakers events etc.

    Resources must be high quality (evidenced by positive, legitimate customer reviews) and be produced by relevant qualified/experienced professionals. The organisation must have a robust privacy policy and relevant insurance (if applicable) in place. A random sampling of content will be verified by a Society Officer.

    To apply please contact

  • Find a counsellor icon

    Find a Counsellor

    If you're looking for a counsellor, you can search our register by location or name, and you can also check whether someone is on the NCPS accredited register.

    Search the Register
  • Train a counsellor icon

    Train as a Counsellor

    Use our Find a Course tool to find the nearest training providers who offer NCPS Accredited, Advanced Specialist, Quality Checked or CPD courses. These courses are currently run across the UK.

    Find Out More