Due to website updates, our application process is paused until 22nd January 2025. To enquire about joining us, please select the “Contact Us” button on the right.
I have a professional background in Childcare, Health, Mental Health and supporting families affected by addiction.
I have experience in working with Abuse, Addiction, Anxiety, Bereavement, Depression, Low Self Esteem, Domestic Abuse/Violence & Relationship issues.
I am a Integrative Psychotheraputic Counsellor, my approach is ‘integrative’ counselling which means that I work from two or more different types of counselling models to create the best treatment plan for you as an individual, working with you, to meet your needs and to help you achieve your aims and goals of therapy.
*Advanced Diploma in Psychotheraputic Counselling
* Diploma in Psychotheraputic Counselling
* Accredited Member of The National Counselling Society
* Caring Dads' Programme Facilitator
* Low Intensity Psychological Therapies; Guided CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapies) - Anglia Ruskin University
* IAPT PWP Recovery Programme - Nottingham University
* Child & Growth Development (0-8) - Wheelock College, USA
* Family Transistions - Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme) - SCC
*Suffolk's Needs Met - Suffolk Mind
*Honour Based Abuse (Forced Marriage & FGM) - Bal Kaur Howard Training
*DID,BPD & CPTSD - NScience
*Working with PTSD & Complex PTSD from an Attachment Perspective - NScience
* Discovering & Changing Limited Beliefs - National Counselling Society
*Survivors' Voices - Suffolk Community Foundation
* Hidden Harms - University of Suffolk
- Identifying & Supporting Young Peoples Mental Health
- Preventing Young Suicide
- Understanding Young Peoples Anxiety & Depression
- Responding Effectively to Self-Harm
- Supporting Young People After Online Sexual Abuse
- Understanding Eating Disorders
* In Utero - Phoenix Counselling Service
* Working With Young People in Abusive Relationships - Suffolk County Council (SCC)
Children & Domestic Abuse - SCC
* Applying Protective Interventions; Risk Assessment, Safety Planning & MARAC - SCC
* Domestic & Honour Based Abuse -SCC
* Signs Of Safety - SCC
* Improving Infant Mental Health & Maternal Depression - SCC
* Positive Choices - SCC
* Foundation Course in Substance Misuse - Public Health Suffolk/NHS
* Adolescent Brain Development - Public Health Suffolk/NHS
* Signs & Symptoms - Suffolk Drug & Alcohol Action Team
* Nature V's Nurture - Suffolk Drug & Alcohol Action Team
* Solution Focused Skills - Suffolk County Council
* Safeguarding - Suffolk County Council
* Building Relationships - Suffolk County Council
* Principles In Working With Individuals With Learning Disabilities - Ofqual
* Introduction To Cancer - Macmillan
* Medication Management - NHS
If you're looking for a counsellor, you can search our register by location or name, and you can also check whether someone is on the NCPS accredited register.
Use our Find a Course tool to find the nearest training providers who offer NCPS Accredited, Advanced Specialist, Quality Checked or CPD courses. These courses are currently run across the UK.