We all know that we need water in order to survive. Have you thought about the impact water or, more to the point, lack of water can have on your physical and mental health?
A large percentage of our brain is water so it makes sense that not drinking enough can impair the way we feel. The NHS provide the following physical symptoms of dehydration for adults and children (1):
• feeling thirsty
• dark yellow and strong smelling pee
• feeling dizzy or lightheaded
• feeling tired
• dry mouth, lips and eyes
• peeing little and less than 4 times a day
Could a lack of water also impact our mental wellbeing? A food and mood survey of 200 women, backed by mental health charity MIND, reported that 80% of respondents said drinking more water helped them mentally and emotionally. (2)
It is particularly important to keep on top of your water intake and hydration in hot weather as you are more likely to become dehydrated.
This article explains that being dehydrated literally shrinks our brains and even a 2% dehydration level in your body is enough to reduce our attention, concentration, coordination and memory skills.
(1) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dehydration/.
(2) https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/dr-sally-norton/hydration-the-facts_b_15583596.html.