NCPS | Self-care

Due to website updates, our application process is paused until 28th January 2025. To enquire about joining us, please select the “Contact Us” button on the right.

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World Sleep Day: How sleep affects your emotions

We all know that tiredness feels bad. We are irritable, slow, easily upset, and find it hard to make it through the day when we are tired. Yet many of us continue to shave away our sleeping time as we...

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Counselling for Cancer

It’s Cervical Cancer Prevention Week soon, so we’re going to take a deep breath and stare the reality of cancer full in the face. Everyone knows someone who’s suffered from cancer. Perhaps you yoursel...

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Coping with bereavement at Christmas

Christmas can be an incredibly difficult period for those who have been bereaved. Adverts, television programmes, and even Christmas music which emphasise love and togetherness around the Christmas tr...

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What is Abuse?

When you first think of the word ‘abuse’ what comes to mind? A shocking or tragic news story or something more personal? Whatever your first thoughts were, it is likely that your first instinct was pr...

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‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’

We at the society are proud to shout about Mental Health Awareness Week and the focus of this year is STRESS. As therapists, we do what we do because we believe in the power and relief of mental well...

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A Breath of Self-Care

The demands of life can sometimes make us feel stressed, anxious, low in energy, lacking in motivation, out of control or a mixture of all these. There are many things you can do to look after yoursel...

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Self-care and why it is Important

You may find that the stresses of your role can sometimes cause you to feel overwhelmed or unwell, either physically or mentally. You may indeed already be aware of the concept of self-care, but are u...

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